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Drywood Termites

Drywood Termite Facts

  • Location: Commonly found in warm climates, Pakistan

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Drywood Termite Behavior and Habitat

Drywood termites are commonly found in wood with low moisture content. These termites do not require contact with soil moisture to live. They spend almost their entire life cycle inside the sound, dry wood upon which they feed. Since colonies are often small and found deep inside wood, they are difficult to detect. Colonies are also spread over a wide area.
Drywood termites are structural pests in warm, dry climates, or tropical climates. They inhabit dry wood typically found above the ground’s surface and burrow deep into wood.
Drywood termites also enter homes after swarms, usually occurring in the spring. An existing termite colony sends out many winged reproductive males and females during swarms. These mating swarms may result in several newly fertilized king and queen termites attempting to establish colonies, of which many may be within or around a home.

Drywood Termite Photos

Drywood Termite

Drywood Termite

Drywood Termite

Drywood Termite and Pellets

Drywood Termite and Pellets

Drywood Termite Pellets

Drywood Termite

Group of Drywood Termites

Group of Drywood Termites

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